That “Just Need Help” Call

Just along this recent day, I have been distracted by the quote ” Jangan ngubungin orang pas perlu aja” ,

Bukannya gw gak setuju dengan quote nya itu


makna dibaliknya “It`s better not to call someone that you not usually call when you need his/her help”

I will not judge who over in this whole world did that…


I just wonder…

Sometimes ‘ada perlu’ itu yang membuat lo bisa ngomong dengan teman yang sudah lama tidak dihubungi

And another times, because of that quote, walaupun `perlu` make you stop to do that, to call your friend/mates.

You will think that he/she wouldn`t respect you, because of that perception


Dari sudut pandang orang yang dihubungi bukankah justru akan jadi kebaikan buat lo kalau lo bisa membantu seseorang yang jarang lo temui dan jarang banget komunikasi sama lo.

Doesn`t it worth enough?


I guess I just don`t
want if…

When my old friends need my help…

He/She doesn`t wanna call me at that time

Just because

He/She never call me before,then

He/She afraid to call me by use alesan ada perlu…


Buat gw kalau `ada perlu` itu bisa jadi alasan buat menyambung silaturrahmi, to talk with someone that you never talk for a long time, is it that bad, just use that reason to reconnect again?

Author: mela

Me is a mess of unfinished thought

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